Bulldog Gear Open Trap Bar Review

My 18-month Bulldog Gear Open Hex Bar Review

Having gained a bit more space for my home gym I very quickly added a trap bar to the armoury. Why a trap bar? The diversity of lifts it offered intrigued me – lunges and trap bar deadlifts in particular – and the built in deadlift jack is just plain cool… So is it worth the money? Ultimately YES, if you have SPACE and budget. Here’s why: Best bits: Considerations: At a glance: the Bulldog Gear open hex trap bar The Bulldog Gear open trap bar is built around a robust, simple but effective design featuring high and low handles […]

My 18-month Bulldog Gear Open Hex Bar Review Read More »

NEW: Bulldog Gear belt driven airbike 4.0 REVIEW

NEW: Bulldog Gear Belt Driven Airbike 4.0 REVIEW

When Bulldog released their latest version of their airbike I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it! I’ve used the predecessor as my “daily driver” out for over a year and rate it as one of (if not THE) best pieces in my home gym. The 4.0 has moved the game on in virtually every area – so if you’re thinking of buying, here’s what you need to know: Best bits: Considerations: What is the Bulldog Gear Airbike 4.0 about? This is Bulldog Gear’s latest take on the modern airbike. Now in its fourth generation, Bulldog have progressively developed

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Deadlift FIRST or LAST? First for me... USUALLY...

Deadlift FIRST or LAST? First for me.. USUALLY…

I’ve tried all sorts of training layouts from full body routines such as 5×5 and Starting Strength all the way through to ‘bro splits’. One query that pops up is WHEN to deadlift during a workout – first or last? Both 5×5 and SS have it LAST, but I almost always do it FIRST. Here’s why… At a glance… Overall your workout order will be predicated by your training goals Deadlifting FIRST is typically best – particularly if doing a split workout routine with lots of supplementary lifts In general try to do the MOST TAXING lift FIRST in each

Deadlift FIRST or LAST? First for me.. USUALLY… Read More »

Can I take pre workout TWICE a day? YES, but...

Can I take pre workout TWICE a day? YES, but…

When I was working with a nutrition coach I was taking a pre and post workout shake every time I was in the gym. People I worked with thought I was nuts… SURELY you can’t take pre workout twice a day?! Well I did, sort of. Here’s what works (and what doesn’t!) At a glance… You CAN take pre workout twice a day – if you split the dose or mix your own custom formula to avoid taking in too much stimulants and certain other commonly included supplements (like creatine) First ask WHY you want to take pre workout twice

Can I take pre workout TWICE a day? YES, but… Read More »

9 FIXES for an UNEVEN bench press (FINALLY!)

9 FIXES for an UNEVEN bench press (FINALLY!)

It’s super common to have a lopsided bench press – it happens to many (if not all!) of us occasionally. But just how big a deal is it, and what can we do to even up that barbell? The good news is this is eminently fixable – BUT you might need to work at it… At a glance… Uneven bench presses can be identified by a gym partner, or from filming your sets It can be bad news as it puts more stress on your body to compensate for imbalances, and makes you MORE likely to miss reps Below there

9 FIXES for an UNEVEN bench press (FINALLY!) Read More »

Getting hamstring pain from squats? Here's WHY:

Getting hamstring pain from squats? Here’s WHY:

My training has been SLIGHTLY more intermittent than usual for the past month or so as I relocated my home gym. This came shortly after a purple patch of good results when squatting. The product of these two facts? I have had to contend with some SERIOUS soreness in my hamstrings! Here’s why – and what I’ve done about it:  At a glance… There are THREE main causes of muscle soreness when squatting: Fatigue – your muscle is simply tired our from an effective workout DOMS – you are suffering from delayed onset muscle soreness Injuries – occasionally we can

Getting hamstring pain from squats? Here’s WHY: Read More »

Why your biceps are NEVER sore [+9 ways to MAKE them!]

Why your biceps are never sore [+9 ways to MAKE them!]

If your biceps are never sore after working out you may be wondering if you’re training them right – the truth is that soreness IS NOT an accurate barometer of how good a workout has been. Here’s why you MIGHT not have sore arms, and – if you must – how to get them: At a glance… Sore arms are not an accurate indicator of training efficiency Instead focus on progress your long term strength and size goals Biceps are a small muscle group and recover from training rapidly DOMS – delayed onset muscle soreness – tends to be triggered

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Creatine FACE fat: CUASES and CURES!

Creatine FACE fat: CAUSES and CURES!

I’ve been taking creatine monohydrate consistently for a number of years now. Fortunately I’ve never encountered any side effects – BUT I know many have reported the dreaded creatine FAT FACE! Here’s the full story on causes… AND cures! At a glance… Creatine helps your body produce ATP which is used to carry energy in your muscles – it enables you to squeeze a BIT more performance out! BUT some users report a fat face when supplementing with creatine This is due to water retention – creatine draws water in to the muscle belly and this can make you look

Creatine FACE fat: CAUSES and CURES! Read More »

INFAMOUS squat neck bruise: Cause & CURES!

INFAMOUS squat neck bruise: Cause & CURES

When I re-introduced high bar squats in to my routine I ended up with some red marks and bruising on the base of my neck. The cause? My form was simply NOT QUITE RIGHT as I had the bar too high up my back resting on the base of my neck. Luckily I managed to cure it – here’s what I found out: At a glance… Neck bruising is common when high bar squatting It is usually caused by resting the bar too high on your back, creating a pinch point at the base of your neck where there is

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WHY are my muscles SOFT when I flex? [FACT!]

WHY are my muscles SOFT when I flex? [FACT]

During a long bulk I had large (for me) biceps – BUT they were surprisingly soft when flexing. This is because I’d added enough bodyfat to cover my bicep in a layer of the stuff – and it was THAT fat that felt soft… Muscles themselves are ALWAYS hard when flexed. Here’s the background: At a glance… Muscles contract when flexed – the contraction makes the muscles hard when flexing A flexed muscle may feel soft if there is a layer of fat on it – flat is inert when flexing so remains spongey to the touch Bodyfat can influence

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